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2. The forum language is English only!

3. Please do not spam. The definition of spam is an irrelevant or advertising post. Any post considered spam will be removed.

4. Please do not post threads text in all CAPITALS since this is considered to be shouting and is not necessary.

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Evony Videos


Forum Themen
Forum Reaktionen
Beliebtes Bogenschützengeneral
Elektra (R & M ATT +15%, 20% extra R ATT with dragon)
Beliebtes Abwehrgeneral
George Dewey (In-city M HP 15% & R, S ATT 20%)
Beliebtes Belagerungsgeneral
Ulysses S. Grant (S & M ATT +15%, 15% extra on both with dragon)
Zitat des Tages
We are truly sorry for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for your understanding and support!