Raid- Shadow Legends 6th anniversary now on APTOIDE, Code: SHADOW
Evony adds a new 30 minute battlefield but removes stamina
Evony adds value to General tokens and dilutes your % in the tavern
Evony- Maximize your demolishing points
Evony's Elite league- sad? fun? competitive?
Evony- Alliance Duel is not a PVP event...max your rewards
Evony's latest advantage for Elite Alliances
Evony's forgotten science wing
Evony's best purchase value this event- Elite Sub Gen
Evony's new world boss with increased rewards
Evony's intelligent coiner (SKZ) returns to answer questions
Evony changes the Card buffs after players spent money?
Evony's newest test event, RANGER NIGHT ORDER
Evony's NEW Range order event preview #aptoide #evonythekingsreturn #gaming #mobilegaming #evony
Evony- quarterly event arrives with massive buff$$$$
Evony's mass reporting scandal grows with Email proof
Evony- A dragon eggs fair compensation?
Evony dream crushes hopeful developer call
Evony- Live Discord event Server time (02:00) / coinstrike 6.0?
Evony- Keep your account clean in just 6 minutes a day
Evony restricts marches in battlefield
Evony- Top Viewer Question- How to build a Siege defen$e
Evony's first restricted account, can't march but can buy packs ;)
Evony's Dev call- Paywalls, suspensions, ideal land, COC and a no K50 promise!
Evony- Defensive build w SKZ part 2
Evony's return from suspension event!
Evony-Incredible defensive build, Interview with SKZ
Evony-All my most requested video links
Evony testing new and amazing? packs on select servers
Evony launches a paywall for building increases
Evony's Elite rewards are better than low Majors?
Evony nerfs dragon battle again
Evony- suspended again via flawed mass reporting system
Evony's zero wounded trick
Evony's reinforcing debuff mystery
Evony- I just learned how to scout?? learn from my newb mistake
Evony- How 2 spawn 10 Ymir6 immediately
Evony nerfs Lucky star mid event
Evony's low VIP packs have great value also
Evony's new VIP 17+ packs can ASCEND epic premium generals
Evony's civilization cards- How does it work
Evony's black market for Civilization cards
Evony- Civ Frags or Premium duty officer for $30?
Evony releases the Nians for 11 days!
Evony's food bottleneck
Evony- Billions a month from an F2P family member
Evony- almost everyone forgets these RSS
Evony- Professional guidance for Evony Addicts
Evony- A new Anti Solo Defense for 10-15b k41-42
Evony- Does this dragon skill debuff yourself or enemy or NO ONE!
Evony- PARIS sub city RETURNS and a new limited recruit elite FREE shop
Evony's bad boys losing cake items
Evony alliances are getting 60k+ Ymir, Hydra with UPDATED Rally CARD
Evony gives 500m+ rss per account
Evony adds 180 march speeds, 100,000s of more gems and stamina for Free again
Evony- What happens with subs etc. after a suspension
Evony is giving 200k free Gems to each account!
Where is Evony's Genghis
Evony provides 8.1% chance at free Civ gear daily!
Evony- Is there a best HUNS buff
Evony- A chance for 10% more march size with NIWA
Evony is providing lower Cerberus rewards?
Evony's COC has rare prizes in the glory shop
Evony- SVS rewards need to improve drastically
Evony- COC opening round, fast paced but still so confusing
Evony- 1 year comparison of top Archer generals
Evony- easy quality of life improvements we deserve
Evony's best general pairing to save stamina
Maximize Evony’s dawn DAWN buffs
Evony- Understanding the sub portal
Evony- 100s of players win the NEO lottery via MERGE
Evony quietly combines Marching and Attacking buffs
Evony adds new sub slot 4 VIP26 in latest update
Evony's future game changes from dev call
Evony's 1000 tactic scroll special
Evony doubles up events to increase xmas divorce rates
Evony merges and Developer call recap
Evony- How Cheating happens in All Stars
Evony's new top Wall Assistant?
Evony Interviews- Spedlord, the trailblazer of filling
Evony's Viper will attempt to quit
Evony alliance live streams themselves point trading for pink wings
Evony early Aglaope Xmas- free keys!
Evony's new Siege king but for how long...
Evony family transport still broken
Evony- Barbarians, only 200 wounded?
Evony - The King's Return, C2, Group B, Stallion- 14th All-Star Battlefield
Evony releases new civ gear with a greedy twist
Evony- C6 be on the lookout for this scam
All of Evony's Siege Debuff locations
Evony- Discord give away contest, by Big T, and 23 hour code
Evony- A trick for family stamina
Evony- Start finishing Kings Path for Senate buffs
Evony- 3rd times a charm...Advancing to semi finals and 100m rally reports
Evony - The King's Return and 14th All-Star Battlefield, C2, Round 1, Group D
Evony- First time all stars, night before check list
TEST- All star stream
Evony- Are you feeding too many dragons?
Evony- Specs, PVP skill books for Duty, which work? (edited out sick gk ;))
Evony wipes 100s of players (this time unfairly)
Evony matches GK vs Viper in round 1
Evony adjusts battlefield scores to change the victor??
Evony- Large De-buffs with Max spirit beasts
Evony's newest cultivating experience is painful (blazons)
Evony- A first look at the new blazons
Evony- Can you upgrade Bonaparte in this event?
Evony- Just when you thought you didn't have to spend again...UPDATE!!!!
Evony- Inventory from a hoarder
Evony- $1000’s of prizes available on Black Friday including your own code!
Evony- Buy/sell VIP for full server? And a 25b K37?
Evony- Can you mass open your blessings?
How Evony dilutes your generals value
Evony mass launches auto preset templates!
It seems Evony has a license to print money
Evony- Sub glitch, and how to MAX generals quickly
Evony's new profitable dragon food
Evony- new servers have layer templates!
Evony has changed the world boss on some servers
Evony's $300 deal for a dragon and champion
Evony, Allstars qualifying round 2, Aptoide Code: PREBLACKFRIDAY1
Evony's favourite son suspended again!
Evony’s 8th anniversary update arrived early! New dragon!
Evony's top alliances refusing to play battlefield?
Evony- Dragon Scales #1
Evony- kill Cerberus, save money
Evony- F2P Rally joiner hive (10b+)
Evony's SVS bubble dropper, how do you deal with it?
Evony- Facing the same team in SVS and BOC
Evony- Avoid all fish by going left
Are Evony’s wheel rewards glitched?
Evony's Sidney sets a new standard for Archer generals
Evony- Crafting medals, how to find super generals for crafting
Evony’s most skilled alliance rankings
Evony Battle of Chalons, C2, Fairplay Final round
Evony wraps up Chalons
Evony Battle of Chalons, C2, Fairplay Championship
Evony's Best value purchase and one to avoid
Evony lifts Neos suspension in time for Chalons?
Evony’s stamina wheel trick
Evony limits NEO with new Max power limits! (MAX POWER REVEALED)!
Evony updates Senate with 16% free buffs
Is Evony greatest player suspended???
Evony- Is Pumpkins going to be 4 days? Aptoide Code: TRICKORCOIN1
Evony- Debuff generals for T1 traps (F2P)
Has Evony removed lag from Chalons?
Did Evony steal glory rewards and do king buffs work in svs?
Evony- when do rally attack instead of solo
Evony updates the watch tower, heal for chalons or all stars?
Evony- how much did rsp spend during coin strike?
Evony releases family feature
Evony- Coin strike takes a dramatic twist
Evony's sneaky updates within the update and another paywall
Evony's largest Buffdate this year. New arena, senate levels, and military tactics
Evonys best sub Gens for the full ghosting low coiner
Evony releases Hybrid battlefield today ;)
Evony's dirty secret, point trading
Evony- Is healing in battlefield frowned upon?
Evony's low coiners (VLC 3-0) in chalons
Evony can learn from Mobile Legends
Evony vs Coinstrikers- whose winning the battle of red sub?
Evonys tough choice with Civ gear
Evony- How to choose your blazons for low coiners
Is Evony's new auto joiner the superior bot?
Evony- Chalons continues to be unplayable due to lag
Evony- Save up your free refines chances
Evony- Exactly how many points needed for red wings!
Evony dangles more triple coupons in new event at coin strike
Did Evony allow the alliance gift to be hidden to fight coinstrike?
Evony- All the senate buffs you haven't unlocked
Has Evony revenue been affected by coinstrike?
Evony's developers say no thanks
Evonys new top all around Archer General
Evony- How is everyone getting 300k fishing scores? Glitch?
Evony- Going DEEP with Poseidon (huge points)
Evony- Where to unlock every dragon
Evony- Get the most out of your dragons
Evony's developer call
Evony releases Topics for Dev. Call
Leave it to Evony to charge for an F2P event
Evony releases 10s of Billions of resources for free to all players!
Evony strikes back at coin strike
Evonys best Reinforcement gear for CAVALRY
Evony- Civil war strategies when peace talks fail
Evony- Do the new Beast debuffs work?
Evonys best RF gear for ground troops
Evony- Low coiner prioritization for Ideal Land
Evony is now suspending Main accounts for having alts and or bots
Evony's new Military tactics for low coiners
Evony Whales are the lowest spending group (coinstrike needs all players)
Evony- How to get Premium Gens and Civ gear FREE!
Evony’s- first ever coc championship
Evony- Another new dragon?
Evony- finally a win for morale (bf)
Evony- smart spending for low coiners
Evony gives one last chance to make mortgage payment before coinstrike!
Evony CS suggests letting enemy loot your bubble drops
Evony- Siege RF Generals
Evony- Remaining Dragon Battle chests convert to rss, how much?
Evony- Recover your ranking after a merge
Evony- Which tech will help you revive in a civil war?
Malachai’s 7 day vip code: GXVALDEL
Evony- I converted civ gear to see how bad the rewards are
Evony- Two great purchases this event, EDIT: first one contains triple pack opening
Evony server king decides who can kill each monster in bid to improve server
Evony- The 2 minute Rally Hack???
Evony's top Horse RF generals
Evony changes continents, Ultimate war and Chalons coming!
Evony- Alt bans continue, how are you being caught?
Evony finally has an all-stars without lag (COC)
24 hour discount code: EDAYXJXF
Evony- Academy Upgrade and Huns Hell completion
Evony's new best mounted general for 7th time this year.
Evony's players unite for coin strike
Evony's top Reinforcing Archer Generals
Evony- Massive resources in this event!
Evony's top Reinforcing ground gens for F2P
Evony- How bad is the return for disassembling ARES gear?
Evony- Boost your rewards in Feasting Revelry and Massive ban sweep begins
Aptoide code for player gc: ZIFFIFFR
Is Evony's pyramid glitch back? Bubble drops
Evony's annoucnes SERVER ALL STAR championship
Evony- Post merge, BF practise
Evony's best FREE deal, and more Merges
Evony- Do Battle Tested Debuffs work on Sub Gens?
Does Evony have a power glitch or….???
Did Evony remove Witch 6 from all servers?
Evony adds rally joiner in major update
Evony's 90 day Fiance's need your help!
Evony- Is Soul Binding completed after 10x?
Evony- NPC your dead subs before merge!
Evony's latest champion- is she worth $400?
Evony announces merges, We got one!
Evony smashes spending records from Napoleon event
Evony- Remote access your computer while away from home
Evony CS replies Lag is fair part of the game
Evony removes All-Star rewards after warning players
Evony's resource sellers cashing in!
Evony- Basics of Ghosting
Evony's coronation fountain provides buffs for new servers
Evony locks another event and 70$ super value event!
Evony decides the order of construction for k44-45 troop buildings
Evony- Is there a strategy for low coiners this event?
Evony removes Alts again and some old servers can create 100s of new alts daily
Evony- mega spending event arrives
Thailands- Si rachi tiger zoo / tiger topia. But no tigers???
Evony- suspended already? and get your wings!
Evony- Battle tested specialty
Pattaya, Thailand- Dolphinarium- Swim with dolphins for only $150
Evony welcomes its latest whale to the family!
Evony's teleport glitch solved
Evony- No ladder for new servers?
Evony's worst available pack today, dont buy this.
Thailand- nightlife, England vs Spain soccer match,July 14-15, walking street, LK metro
Evony- Maximize your Lucky Stones
Evony's blazon lock glitch
Evony continues to provide a terrible all-star experience
Evony releases 2 great generals for all-stars
Is Evony's bloodiest All-Stars upon us? LOYAL2APTOIDE- active code
Evony- How to create family members
Evony- how2 get the main prize in Bacchus Tavern (BIG T Style)
Evony wins the big as Neo continues to smash records
Evony- All star qualifying is over, whats next
Evony- How to increase your march size
Evony- Battleship + minesweeper = Wisdom temple
Evony's women can't live without their men again
Evony's best LEAD mounted gen is...
Evony- Washington vs Messina as Mount Assistant
Evony- scouting your SVS opponent
Evony- Myth or Fact- Rumour Washington Prime pairs with noone
Evony- Trial of Knights MATHEMATIC proof ,part 2
Evony- Win the Trial of Knights and the blood rewards
Evony sells a 3rd stable officer and 31% march size and a new spirit beast!
Is an Evony Clash of Civilizations playoff coming?
Evony's favourite wheel giving extra coins?
Evony- Help smaller teammates qualify for Clash of Civilizations
Evony- Spirit Beast assignments
Evony- Alliance Carnival full rewards with teamwork
Reinvigorate Evony with Seasons and Drafts
Evony- Road to all-stars week 2/4 - counter rallying in 20 v 6?
Evony's- Carthage DEBUFF red sub
Evony- How to manipulate your Battlefield matchups
Evony- the path to perfection in MAYA
Evony- the Aglaope glitch that few- knew about has ended
Evony- March speed vs Monster March speed-TEST
Evony CS says Debuffs don't stack- We tested
Evony sent Cassandra refund quick! and Allstar qualifying explained
Evony- Seek your Cassandra Cake 5 compensation
Evony- Massive Loss rewards and global debuff
Attack dead keep for rewards
Evony- IOS Appcoin wallet give away and $500 draw
Evony- Interview with the White hats
Evony- introduces DRAGON SKIN
Evony- 3 Keep duty officers / Is newest always best?
Evony's best tavern Gens for T1 cities
Evony the Kings Return, Battle of Chalons, C6- Finals (NEO's Coronation) BWP,NEX,PAW,INV
Evony the Kings Return, Battle of Chalons, Semi- Finals, C1- CDI,APX,ROG,ONE
Evony- Chalons final preview and “almost guarantee” winner selection
Evony’s secret tavern general with -250% siege and archer debuffs
Atpoide coming to IOS / Appstore!
Evony switched Cassandras order of buffs
Evony- Complete Hecate's moon in under 5 minutes
Evony- It's alt banning season again
Evony's new King of the Archers
Evony's newest event punishes players for sleeping
Evony the Kings Return, Battle of Chalons, C3- VAL
Evony lures customers back with birthday freebies
Evony secretly changed saved dragon chests / YEGSIBDT
Dragon battle rewards changed.
Evony- Improve your buffs quickly for new players
Evony- When to raid your Exhibition Hall for gold
Evony hid a new warehouse duty staff in the cake (25% mounted buffs)
Evony- The best path to maximize buffs from your blood
Evony- K45 solo from 12b-0!
Chalons- 300b amateurs lose to K45 (Tito the dreamcrusher), CODE: 1EVONY
Evony senate priorities and 3 days left in Dragon event!
Evony's Dragon Battle event now affordable for low coiners.
Evony- Senate Ascensions coming up! Now we need fragments
Evony's greatest EVENT! 40,000 Blood, 800k Runestones and MORE!!! / ACTIVE CODE 1EVONY
Evony- Dukes secrets is a pure coiner event
Evony removes Gathering event, players furious!
Evony- Whales requesting rss
Evony- All senate levels are different, improve your buffs
evony- legalizes bots on new servers???
Evony finally brings boss finder to all servers! (but does it work?)
Evony- Packs heavily discounted?
Evony- Points removed and suspended from SVS?
Evony- The most effective Archer march setup
Evony- Chalons streak of 10+ 2nd place finish come to an end.
Evony- when you think you will beat the K45 100b
Evony's favourite pvp march (ground)
Evony- the Cavalry attack layers
Evony- Massive fraud or photoshops?
Evony- Big Siege Solo layering
Evony- Svs Wings and Conquering tip
Evony- Chalons if you can't win, have some fun
Evony- Port swap tip for the decoy
Evony- tactic scroll event returning highlights a weak event
Evony- This server got punished with turtles for a week!
Evony- power glitch affects battlefield and NEO remains unbeatable in BOG
Evony-Reading anonymous youtube comments
Evony expects you to play battlefield all weekend
EVONY- Why hoarding is good
EVONY- how 2 Fill your SVS hospital
Evony- SVS Sabotage ruined
Evony- smallest players ever to get purple wings???
EVONY- missing marches glitch
Giving EVONY all my money for 2 ladies (Cassandra, Melissandre)
Evony- Didn't receive your purchase? Double charge?
Evony’s pc era is here (link in bio)
Evony- 2023 vs 2024 in game spending graphics (-40%)
Evony- Is there HONOUR in SVS?
Evony targeting Facebook account switching??? Genghis Investigates
Evony- dragon glitch, can you lose a covenant?
Evony increases champion price to $350
Evony- New champion, sneak peak
Evony- Preliminary results are in, 5* Brock vs 10* Boudica
Evony's dominant Spirit Beast
Evony removes shadow bans and increases general capacity
Evony sends extra gift to each servers all time greatest players
BOC- Boring team 1 vs Boring team 2-Aptoide: GKFIVE (possibly worst stream ever)
Evony- Isaac Brock breakdown
Evony- update and svs action
Evony needs to hear your non satisfaction about boss nerfs
GK returns to EVONY's most skilled Alliance (NEFARIOUS)
Evony hopes easier SVS wings lead to more active server wars
Evony's Original Super Alliance is first to 3 x K45
Evony- understanding buff calculations, rally spot
Evony- proof different BF strategies can dominate
Evony- Sir Isaac Brock arrives to make your defense worse than before
Evony- NEO is a breath of fresh air to stale battlefields everywhere
Evony’s Neo just changed the game! Neo becomes top alliance!
Evony- When do buffs work, marching vs attacking vs in rally, etc
Evony- Clash of Civilizations to become SVS All-Stars?
Is Evony Revenue at 2 year low? Why?
Evony-new Aptoide code!
Legend of Mushroom- Available on APTOIDE, Easter EVENT
Evony- coc takes over Easter w lackluster rewards
Evony- Ascending Duty or Sub Generals?
Evony hears you in developer call, doesn’t care
Developer response, #evonykingofreturns
Evony needs to start stealing the good ideas from other games
Evony- Do more merges signal trouble at headquarters?
Did Evony limit Wheel spins?
Evony's first 200b player and new UI review in BF
Evony- an update that no one wanted (civilization 11)
Evony- how an svs loss can improve your team
Evony-Dev call summary
Evony-dev call
Evony once again merges 100s of servers
Evony- T1 for the very low coiner ($300 a month)
Legend of Mushroom- DO NOT MAKE THIS COSTLY MISTAKE with your Statue!
Evony-upcoming Developer Call- Players unite!
Legend of Mushroom- Best Swordsman Build
Legend of Mushroom- Which class should you select?
Evony- Aptoide update and mini event update
Evony- t1 trap guide for 100% free to play player
Legend of Mushroom- ultimate beginners guide!
Legend of Mushroom- get your lamp to auto sell gear
Evony- top 5 defensive strategies
Legend of Mushroom- Massive discounts on purchases with Aptoide code: MUSHROOM5
Legend of mushroom- #1 new rpg game!
Evony- 33.5b troop power or k45?
Evony makes it difficult to create family members
Evony quietly changed its general pack %'s (on iPhone only???)
Evony- How to convert your rewards to free packs
Evony’s new spirit beast and permanent events!
Evony reduced points in all-stars and starting on new server only?
Evony- NEO almost zeroes himself on our walls, a peak inside the great NEO
Evony- Huns Invasion returns with zero improvements
Evony tests player loyalty with Aptoide divorce
Evony- Galaxy coin- the only thing you should buy
Evony- The King's Return-12th All-star Battlefield- C5 Final (VERY CLOSE 4 way score)
Evony- All stars is over- are merges next? 🤞🏻
Evony- The King's Return-12th All-star Battlefield- C3, Semi-final, Group A (100 Rostocks in action)
Evony- All-Stars about to get Rostocked! Major Glitch!
Evony- Generals with 100% attack buff to new servers?
Evony- How many T1 do you need?
Evony- Mua hàng trên Evony rẻ hơn 35% khi sử dụng Reuters
Evony- 모든 게임 내 구매 시 최대 35% 할인
Evony Interviews- ZFG S409, the other side of the 3 year CIVIL WAR
Gardenscape save up to 35% on purchases. Download Aptoide:
Evony- champions are a great source for gems for the family
Evony- New Cultivate over 600 (100+ higher than before)!!!
Evony- spam report the cheat button
Evony- New general cultivation 100x better!
Evony has the worst timing!!! (Purple gens finally removed)
Evony- The Kings retur, 12th All Star- C2, A-EAgle
Evony update overshadowed by big brother
Evony confusing all star dreams in the senate
Evony- how to prepare for your first All-Stars
Evony’s non event days -evaluate your city
Evony reverses senate ascensions- write cs!!!
Evony- Senate massacre and OXTWOBRI : New Aptoide Code
Evony interviews- an F2P perspective in a civil war (409)
Evony- purple gens to raise the victory column!
Evony- no more blood for senate buffs!! (Purple general ascension)
Evony's revenue is tiny compared to Gardenscape / Farmville games
Evony’s dead keeps can earn you billions of rss a day!
Evony has become click bait with way too many events
Evony- save 20% stamina for all your family members!
Evony-2.4b rss for everyone and it’s free!!!
Evony matches us with a top 6 alliance (vig-700b vs 300b)???
Evony- I bought the Helen skin for how much?
Evonys new event gen is incompatible
Evony adds a Mythical Nian and ground / archer Pan strategy
Evony-nians are coming and 5% bonus day is active!
Evony- svs temple glitch?
Evony - 5% bonus day coming and new code
Evony- get to 42 and then build troops
Will Evony introduce cash prizes soon?
evony- قم بتنزيل Aptoide لتوفير 35% على المشتريات
Evony ascends 3 purple gens and glitches their skills?
Evony- debuffs require difficult choices
Evony-how to install Aptoide & code: GK1234
Evony interviews with AQ from 5x Chalon champions-WDF
Evony- Hecate glitch and Neo taunts me
Evony needs to refine Hecate’s event- too slow!!!
Evony has a safe code for a reason- Use it!!!
Evony- Free ideal land points and bf decoration glitch
Evony: Aptoide code didn’t help us in battlefield today ;)
Evony repeats its most profitable Napoleon event again!
Evony increases rewards for clash of civilizations
Evony Interview with a brand new player realBarbLife
Evony drama - another hive stolen! S18 / 137
Evony- c1 Chalons delivers the drama again!
Evony- 2b positive throne rally
Evony- The Kings return- Battle of Austerlitz finals, C4, EVA, WDF, BBC, PHX
Evony selling dissapear iitems?
Evony- The Kings return- Battle of Austerlitz, C, S1293 ( 3 K45s, NEO MATRIX vs 2 other k45s!!)
Evony- We need to talk about Neo Matrix
Evony- WQZSJVHX and clash of civilization vs sleep
WQZSJVHX / 5% discount code #couponcode #evonykingofreturns
Evony now offers a payment plan for coining?
Evony- The risks in sharing passwords- RSP accounts zeroed
Evony- New battlefield, live footage from test servers
Evony optimizes decorations for battlefield
Evony-historic city truces? And another champion is skinned
Evony- The Kings return- Battle of Austerlitz, C5, S1108 / Valhalla / Bad / A$$
Evony adds champion skins that pleases no one
Evony- HUGE Select all update for blue equipment dissasembling!
Evony- covenant assistants assistants buffs? Edited with ending added
Evony- Do Covenants buffs work as Assistants?
Evony-co-host for Austerlitz finals?
Evony- 5% aptoide day and SVS throne with 25 alt accounts?
Evony- a secret covenant level? covenant strategies
Evony- silence for unfair BF algorithm and 5% code (silence at end)
Evony adds auto clicking to science and refines
Evony- implementing viewer strategy for battlefield
Evony- New year goals, channel changes
Evony- 6b solo???
Evony- Live Soul Binding
Evony- austerlitz strategies needed
Evony expands Ideal land, but charges you for it?
Evony- why you need a backup wall general
Evony- 3 weeks for wings, you better win!
Evony- svs has real incentive to participate
Evony- safe rss have a unique value
Evony- Aptoide: RAFSJUWW / and getting smashed in battlefield
Evony- will new gaming restrictions help players?
Evony- making bosses for rally only?
Evony’s battle of Austerlitz locks players out
Evony- can you find your Austerlitz opponents?
Evony’s Greatest Alliances ever- The Mount Rushmore
Evony- Aptoide free giveaway
Evony- get the most value from your march buffs
Evony updates senate as requested by no one / RKFENUWJ
Evony update causes problems for many players
Evony removed rss critical from safe rss
Evony- Svs standings to remove old wings?
Evony releases best sub city yet- Paris
Evony- life after safe rss / how to grow?
Evony- safe rss arrive / YTHKPPJA
Evony- use these tips to win a pyramid skin
Evony- regenerate your stamina quicker
Evony- covenant stones available on new servers
Evony- monarch debuffs for mounted and ground
Evony- Monarch gear debuff presets
Evony turns 7 and marries Napoleon
Evony- so many new events / UUEQDBOM
Evony- are skill books easier to select?
Evony's Civ amplifying tricked me!
Evony- obtain elite generals for gems
Evony- Red subs vs Gold subs
Evony- new redeem code and a winter battlefield
Evony- more continents = lower scores for wonder 3
Evony releases its greatest cultural city
Evony- Napoleon sneak peaks
Evony- when to redo blazons
Evony introduces new Napoleon battlefields!
Evony makes refining easy for some servers🤔
Evony- remove ALL tavern generals from $ packs
Evony- champion priority and GENGHIS123 / Aptoide
Evony- Don’t buy the “Super valueless pack”
Evony- using any fragment to upgrade japan sub
Evony comes through with server merges!
Evony- new server ascension without blood?
Evony must be joking with these new generals?
Evony- use tavern generals in the senate
Evony - 5 day event is a genius marketing ploy (I fell for it)
Evony- which sub culture ascends the best?
Evony- A dragon that heals you in battlefield!
Evony- Ashoka very low drop rate??
Evony- Dominate barbarians with extra chances
Evony-premium skill books
Evony- sub healing trick is OVER!
Evony- sub ascension trick
Evony- Aptoide wallet is online: XJQSBXEK
Evony attacks the ALTS yet again!
Evony- NEW Sunken Temple event returns Aglaope!
Evony- When the pest is too fast (final hive series)
Evony- a trick to defend your hive
Evony- aptoide: NBIWLNRB and 32b points in svs!!!
Evony- using hives to protect from banishment
Evony- champions are now easier to upgrade
Evony- New servers have a monster/ tile finder!
Evony’s latest event “Hecate’s moon”
Evony- great new prizes you will never win
Evony- will there be merges???
Evony's new dragon heals troops in battlefield!!
Evony all stars, defense makes a comeback
Evony- Hydras replenish your stamina
Evonys new upgradable subs can be stolen!!!
Evony- GENGHIS05 / aptoide code
Evony- alchemy event step by step
Evony- MASSIVE flexible debuffs for sub generals
EVONY- Wreaks Ending, and what's it like to be Conqueror
Evony- Our servers first SVS Conquer
Evony cancels BOG and insane all star rallies (70m+)
New event free stuff
Evony is serious about eliminating alts
Evony - battle tested 5th speciality
Evony limits teleports in all stars
Evony- new discord channel
Evony announces all stars and stuck at 5 coins?
Evony plays god in the 7 year grudge?
Call of Dragons- Search Villages for those final resource you need
Evony- new opportunities to give Evony money
Evony- is another sweep coming for bots?
Call of dragons- finding 4m of each rss in a dead city!!!
Evony- do you save your glory tokens?
Evony- Aglaope confuses players with reused image
Evony- 5% aptoide tomorrow and another scam event ?
Evony player holds 7 year grudge and steals AC!!!
Call of Dragons- Territory losses, the aftermath
Evony- Hilarious question about all star qualifying
Evony- play this event smart to get free Civ gear
Call of dragons- defending the alliance tower (unsuccessfully
Evony- promo code and coiners paradise 🤦♂️
Evony- is there a difference between server monarch competition and svs?
Call of dragons- don’t be over confident I. Your troops (like me)
Evony fixes bad it glitch and promo codes returning
Evony- bandit rewards are insane and new dragon coin
Evony attacks alts again and another k45!!
Call of dragons- forget your pride and gather resources
Evony’s first k45?
Evony- flexibile specialties work on assistants
Evony- a maximum amount of troops???
Evony - so many ignore alliance competition?
Evony- which premium officer will you choose?
Evony- there is a lot of value in used keeps
Call of dragons-new season / everyone starts over???
Evony guides wiki - you should be using this website!
Evony fails to deliver value with $oul binding, new champion
Call of dragons. Second builder
Evony confusing everyone with new bf rules
Evony- gen hall 3 and higher all star rewards
Evony- w2 dragon is now weak
Evony- were they banned for an app?
Evony- do spies exist on your server
Evony just banned an alliance?
Call of dragons- server maintenance rotation
Evony- new money vs old money
Evony- Save your Prayer Celebration coins
Ants Underground- Up to 30% discounts today!
Evony- T1 is no match for new march sizes
Not Evony- genghis reviews his bad hockey
Evony- Signs you should leave a server
Call of dragons- War pets tutorial
Evony removes speed up event
Evony- The wrong Pan rewards were increased
Evony's plan to bankrupt your refine stones?
Evony- Fair compensation when NAP is broken? (help our server decide)
Call of Dragons- War pets are coming!
Evony - amplifying on a budget
Evony- Are debuff skill books worth it?
Evony- FREEEEEDOM is requesting your help
Call of Dragons- Goblin Merchant offers great discounts
Evony - upgrading sub debuffs
Evony's Mount Rushmore (The 4 most impactful players in Evony)
Evony has too many useless events!
Call of Dragons- Developer Q n A's- monthly??
Evony- I spent 25k Gems so you don't have too! (Great Expedition)
Evony- All time Great WARZILLA talks quitting, enemies, historic players, and all things EVONY
Call of dragons- Leader of the 43rd ranked Alliance!
Evony goes after PC gamer market in new event.
Evony has some great new packs (for select servers 🥲)
Evony- Chalons against Evony's best player
Call of Dragons- is Mana is the most important non pvp research?
Evony- Basilisk is op for speeds and gold!
Call of dragons deputy generals
Evony- developers respond (we will offer more ways to spend $)
Evony- Soul Binding- easy full ascension 4 c5😤🤦♂️
Evony - Playing against 3800% buffs
Evony- Specialty rhunestones yet another let down
Evony- hive rally Glitch (can’t send)?
Call of dragons- 3k gem give away. New general competition?
Evony- 27,000 stamina trick
Evony kills the mid coiner with latest update
Evony offer pretends to discount a terrible purchase pack
Evony Developer call recap, thoughts
Evony -Developer Call LIVE
Call of Dragons- Tales of tamaris and second builder
Evony - i played new battlefield of civilizations (thanks bloo!)
Evony- New Battlefield, More images!
Evony- New Battlefield for 8 test servers
Evony- Free Blood of Ares strategies
Call of dragons- Hall of Order 13- PVP begins!
Evony's #1 prosperity player (GEEK), S1095
Evony- Monarch gear timing for PVP
Evony- Unlock Advanced refining with less Gems
Call of dragons- Dragon Trail Campaign
Evony's latest whale- K41/ 30b+ in 4 months
Evony has changed MONARCH gear timing
Evony releases a new Stamina(9k) pack
Call of dragons- Open field combat
Evony advance refines and forge certificates
Evonys- new event-coiners paradise or F2P nightmare?
Evony- Abbass Keep upgrade- Worth it? (Massive fail)
Ants discounts #androidapp #history #aptoide #gaming #bonus #antsunderground
Evony- Civ Gear for Sub Generals
Call of Dragons- Free Science and attack multiple monsters at once!
Evony- Gathering once a day is a must do!
Evony- Red Wings 25% less points required this season
Evony- Easiest Ultimate War ever? and chalons info
Call of Dragons- Choosing an alliance and Teleporting
Evony- Upgrade ACH and ARES gear- UPDATE COMING!!!, Spirit Seals fixed
Evony- Major Glitch (the bad kind), Spirit Beasts
Evony Spirit Beast Skills are F2P
Evony- Svs fail, but good strategy
Evony- Aptoide 30% active now, ends at SVS reset (correction)
Call of dragons- free to play
Evony- Evony increases value in packs amid customer non satisfaction
Evony- New watch tower levels and perfect blazons for $ bonus.
Evony- up to 30% APTOIDE day changed, and Server merges today!
Evony- Unfortunately you need to buy this
Evony- 100s of Mergers and 1 week for Wings!
Evony- new Spirit Beast buffs are insane
Evony- Senate Buffs prioriies.
Evony-alliance duel
Evony NERFS Helen, and Ideal Land copied?
Evony- To HELL with the new Vikings, and great expedition letdown
Evony- New Siege Battle Mechanics discovered!
Evony- 30% discount AFTER SVS ends, and are PINK gems safe?
Evony confiscates rss from the same alts AGAIN!
Evony releases 72000% event packs, 3/5* for value
Evony- Academy 35-40 is a must for low coiners!
Evony-Military Academy 6 = 90% 🐎 hp, siege attack!!
Evony reduces stamina packs and all about the update
Evony k45 - 1st look
Evony- K 45 is coming!!!
Evony- Why isn’t every player using using APTOIDE?
Evony- How to check your buffs
Evony's new plan to boost spending?
Evony responds to illegal rss transporting email
Evony CS says transporting RSS is illegal?
Evony confiscates rss, inventory from players AGAIN
Evony- debuff skill books for all servers
Evony - SVS- removing 6b from small PP (33b)
Evony- New SUPER svs general! And new monarch gear debuff
Evony releases a must have champion to increase spending (2*/5)
Evony- Choosing gear for a general
Evony- Ultimate War season Vs Regular BOC war Season
Evony- Edward Teach is a must have general
Evony- C2 All-stars controversy, Pulling a BOB!
Evony choosing sub city generals
Evony - June 2nd / up to 30% off aptoide purchases available now!
Evony's all-star gift to players is chance to spend more ;)
Evony- 65000% value in whose mind?
EVONY- Did lag affect the fairness of all-star matchups?
Evony- People quitting in high frequency
Evony- 100m Rally capacity? Major update coming?
Evony- Why do we spend? All-star lagfest again
Evony- How Aptoides discount tiers work (up to 30% today)
Evony's new event is disappointing 1.5./5 *
Evony- Heal speeds for All-Stars and W3
Evony- post svs throne glitch and video of troop training glitch
Evony- All stars are announced- what to expect
Evony's Sir Phillips to JR. All-stars?
Evony revenue did not drop yesterday, new ascension fragments
Evony wipes alts AGAIN
Evony revenue did not drop yesterday, new ascencion fragments
Evony- Amplifying gear priority
Evony's dragon wheel that has no dragons
Evony today only!! promo code GENGHIS-35% discounts
Evony- Cheat code to adjust march buff presets
Evony- How to join PVP rallies
Evony- new wheel, free gear?
Evony refusing to perma bubble deceased player and new event for new servers
Evony- BOG 100 is too difficult
Evony announces new pricing for in game purchases
Evony- SVS glitch continues? and evonys newest massive coiner server(1390)
Evony- claiming free civ treasures
Evony- t16s? New temples?
Evony- free epic general tokens and gems
Evony- Don't open special item chests!
Evony- Monarch Gear
Why has EVONY removed battlefield points
Evony- major svs glitch, invisible players
Evony- blazons for low coiners
Evony- a look at upgraded Civ gear and a nameplate
Evony’s greediest move ever!! (ascended civilization gear)😤
Evony will be ascending civilization gear
Evony- fixes Iphone map and a new world boss to steal your buffs / gems
Evony- releases an ANDROID update and General cultivating guide
Evony- Don't forget to claim all these rewards for KONG EVENT
Evony announces 48 server merges!!! and live aptoide purchase
Evony- 1 week boc for wonder 3!
Evony- iPhone now rotates to landscape in all modes
Evony- How to get up to 25% discounts with APTOIDE
Evony- special event for new servers / New Redeem code
Evony- New redeem code and special wonder 3 week
Evony- kong world boss
Evony- kong event is op. Rss+++
Evony confiscates inventory for their own glitch
Evony- massive glitch and removal of crazy eggs!!
Evony astrolube returns and worse than ever
Evony suspends some bot accounts
Evony- alliance science for beginners
Evony- cultural sub prices return to earth
Evony gives Civ gear to new servers!
Evony- boc cancelled for 2 weeks, and chalons prediction competition
Evony- stop at treasure scroll 4? And evony wipes some players again!!
Evony- iPhone can rotate to landscape!!
Evony’s low % raffle package
Evony- “singhing” the blues
Evony - elite svs tactics
Evonyy's best 15$ purchase and new event.
Evony- Is General HOJO Pink gem worthy?
Evony- Were pink gems worth it?
Evony removes 20-60b power from numerous all star accounts (pink gem scandal)
Evony's historic subs going for only 12k USD today!
Evony- selecting buffs can make or break your battlefield
Evony adjusts Chalons schedule
Evony makes up a fake price, pretends to discount the pack
Evony- Otto the Great versus Askia, Duty officer comparison
Evony’s maya event is sooo bad
Evony motivating Whales with Civ treasure 8!
Evony chalon thoughts and presets for beginners
Has Evony lost all credibility?
Is this Evony’s best or worst glitch ever???
Evony gives w3 to continents, still screws it up!
Evony- 3b rss for your family members
Evony optimizes the wheel because they hate you
Evony- Elena replies to W3 and glitches
Evony sneakily removes ULTIMATE WAR from BOC
Evony- Duty ascension not working?
Evony- duty officers (beginner series)
Evony / LAGVONY- worst battlefield / typical for Evony
Evony gives a new game to some servers and Update
Starting Evony? Things I wish I knew early on (beginners advice)
More wonder 3 confusion from EVONY
Evony- Subordinate city (Beginners guide)
Did Evony release new continents?
Evony- Increasing your family member efficiency
Evony is changing the W3 rules- Contact CS now!
Evony - finding stamina (beginners guide)
Evony- PVP Layering, Beginners guide
Evony- Developer call recap (Feb 21,2023)
Evony- Monarch Talent - Beginner Guides
Evony- exchangeable general fragments on select servers!
Evony- Godzilla event and free keep glitch!
Evony- Get your Flaveus now!
Evony's new 99$ buff pack for new servers
Evony- Beginner tip series, Part 1
Evony- BOC vs S73 (BAT) - major alliance improvements!
Evony- A full comparison of how PANS compare to Ymirs
Are certain Evony players given $1800 Civ gear upgrades?
Evony increases the PAN spawn rate and rewards- Is it worth it?
Evony deleted a players troops- asking for advice
Evony- Use a Tavern general as the main general
Evony provides another chance at ASHOKA
Evony updates puzzles for new servers instead of fixing lag
Evony- always enter the battlefield together
Evony- new event with NOTHING new??
Evony demands $20,000+ from customers in gem swipe
Evony low key cutting ymirs even more!!!
EVONY- top 15 all-stars don't receive top 15 rewards?
Evony- General Flaveus is finally available in mementos
Evony - is kill event worth it?
Proof of EVONY giving all-star keeps to non finalists
Evony- pans gave me 10% the rss of ymirs
Evony rewarding free all star castles
Get large discounts off Evony purchases with AMAZON AppStore
Evony- pans vs ymirs
The worst thing you can do in EVONY
Evony svs fight for top 5 at the end
Evony tip of the day - skip Helen’s 5minute timer
Evony- analyzing boc reports
Evony phasing out ymirs😤
Evony-scanning for ymir tactics and spawning theories
How much has each Evony server spent??? Credit to troy
Evony- what is a fair price for stamina???
Evonys $12,000 duty officer!
Evony all star rewards and opening a dragon egg
Evony C1- Finals All Stars- LION TEAM
Evony-5day event and Singhs unknown talent
Evony- new monarch gear and don’t pack-load
Evony suspends pack loaded accounts
Evony is reimbursing all star players and tyches wheel 2.0 has returned!!!
Evony updates buffs during all stars!!
Evony- coining strategies top players use
Evony lag stars recap
Evony - new buffs from beta
Evony sub troop glitch
Evony announced all stars
Evony 1st time all star tips
Evony- reverse point trading / 808 refuses to play RSP
Playing against EVONYs city ultimate and an elite battlefield mechanics channel
Evony is out of ideas, kong island returns
Evony adds 8 presets! And removes ymirs from some lucky servers
Evony plays favourites again- different generals for servers
Evony- maxing out pvp in military academy
Evony updates Royal thieves instead of fixing game lag
Evony- squeakig out extra points in bf and some svs action
Evony - server teleports (developer suggestion series)
Evony- is Boudica the best wall General as of today?
Evony updates wheel of fortune(spin 100) and svs vs a 6 year old server
Evony- my server rules
Evony ascends spirit beasts with minimal performance increase
Evony-sub troops are now reviving after battlefield
Evony- special avatar packs and first look at Elisabeth champion
Evony needs daily packs and a new must have $200 champion “sisi”
Evony- all star ranking error and Free troops in puzzles🤔🤣
EVONY makes civ fragments available but makes refining even worse and more cosmetic UPDATES
How much do EVONY whales spend?
Evony- svs throne defense 430 vs 325
Evony now has real time boc rankings!
Evony- utilizing a backup wall gen for t1s
Evony- t1 traps are the new coin strike!
Evony finally releases all star rewards- yet another new dragon 🙄
Evonys anniversary event leaves no one happy
Evony- How to fix the sub troop glitch
Evony- new dragon buffs, designer brand rally spot officer, all star sneak peak
Evony- $450usd dragon available in new event!!!
Evony - buff sneak peak , alliance event, new ground meta
Evony - mass server mergers, civil wars and new crafting event
Evony- is all stars expanding? 1200 players?
Evony- was it a monster solo or a rally? How to tell…
Evony- New dragon!!! And truces return to alliance shop
Evony new pack new redeem code
Evonys worst trick yet and 3 new gift codes!
Evony will offer full Civ gear sets for free? and lame turkey event
Evony- chalons betting is live but unknown payout / odds??
Evony- redeem your free gift now!
Evony boc highlights vs NMR s159
Evony- introduces gambling and all star voting and confirms tyches wheel now sucks
Evony- sub city fragment event live on most servers
Evony- is alliance shop monetization the final straw? P2w/f2p both furious!
Evony monetizes alliance shop! Top 10 svs wings and many more glitches!
Evony- is this the last tyches wheel ever???
Evony- My 9100 point Mayan strategy after playing for 8+ hours today
Evony with more generals more stuff we don’t want
Evony superstars are struggling in chalons!
Evony seeking free labour after coin strike
Evony- preparing for all stars. Account update
Evony- Singhs svs experience vs genghis’s
Evony- defeating a t1 trap.
Evony- blood of ares priority
Evony- get billions of rss from alts in speed up event
Evony- chalons elite league and developer answers
Evony- dev call thoughts and Singh tonight
Evony- Developer Call tonight1
Evony alliance mergers, why? why not?
Evony boc ApN vs GOW 212
Evony- Chalon's finalist has 2 keeps available!!
Evony- upcoming Mayan event and Stamina box 1!
Evony removes ymirs and nerfs some monsters
Evony bog - ApN vs venom - 314
Evony- Post Battlefield Report analysis
Evony- Alliance Competition strategies
Evony's greatest glitch ever- free T 15's
Evony- SVS Siege attack analysis
Evony- SPHYNX GLITCH and 160m Gem mistake!!
Evony's new Alliance Competition and other updates
Evony- Karma strikes Chalons cheater and Diwali event update
Evony- How is the coin strike going?
Evony adds more CIV GEAR and auto spawn your vikings!
Evony is changing the SUB City event
Evony lowers rewards as coin strike begins!
Evony- Genghis hacked!, no event update
Evony- Coinstrike Oct. 7! And worst packs ever?
Evony- Limited Fragment event? Developer suggestions Ep. 2
Evony SVS- We came, we saw, we did not conquor
Evony- Making rules for a server
BOC PHX vs S12 (TAO)
Evony- Monster March speed vs March speed
Evony Developers say thanks but NAHHHH
Evony- upgrading blazons with spreadsheets
Evony- Trial of Knights winning Strategy
Evony- which Civ gear to choose and chalons is coming!!
Is Evony becoming more Transparent? and some quality of life improvements
Battlefield- PHX vs RSR(204)
Evony- Can you transfer Blazens as Gifts / Blazen guide!
Has EVONY released yet another event for Japanese only?
Evony- helping a friend set up a new account
Evony Coining Strike name changes and October 6th?
Evony sent me a survey on the future of the game!
Evony - a tale of evony by Savvvo Games
Boc- PHX vs S57 RPD
Evony- 150 Free blood of ares today and Sub slot auction day!!!
Evony- Developer Suggetions (Wonder 3) Ep. 1
BOG- PHX vs S183(BGK)
Evony- Maximizing troop load for looting.
Evony wants you to make mistakes and more FREEDOM FIGHTERS!!
Evony- Dragon Event a kick in the teeth to big coiners?
FREEDOM QUITS and EVONY Dev call is actually a focus group
Evony- More USELESS ascended generals, and more stuff we don't want.
Battlefield Rally training Episode 1
Interview with EVONY's Coining Strike President “highway”
Evony- Developer call starring "SINGH"
Evony- don’t be like lynch
Evony- SVS debuffs different than Battlefield?
Evony- NEW Alliance Bookmarks!!! and App Gallery discounts cancelled?
Evony- CIV Gear IS NOT OVER 🤦♂️
Evony- is Civ gear finally over?
Evony gives new servers new alliance skills / science
Evony-No sound, but watch me get zeroed;)
Evony charges you more than Vietnamese rss sellers
Evony crashes - evony says spend more!
Evony- Reports from All-Stars
Evony- Leaving NEF, new continent, all-stars
Evony- How to prioritize Academy vs Military Academy
Evony- Military Academy growth strategy
Evony- Account update with generals and growth advice
Evony- How to decide on PVP / Wall General pairings
Evony- Ascending the BIG MONEY Sub Gens
Evony- Ascend these tavern duty officers first
Evony- New Servers now have Moerae's Machine
Evony's The BEST Ascendable Tavern Sub Generals
Evony- Art treasure scrolls now in bosses and NEW BOSSES for New servers!!
Evony nerfs the witch pies and Surena refund update
Evony- Latest update makes game unplayable and Make sure to claim massive speedups
Evony- New dragon levels , treasure / general hall update and more things we don’t want
Evony- mounted gear for monsters
Evony- advice to new players on coining
Evony- mounted pvp Civ and free gear options
Evony even manages to screw up the friend list update🙈
Tickle me Helen
Evony rips off beauty event, tests for 1 day and releases it
Evony- Upcoming Events and Art Treasure Buff UPGRADES
Evony- The Best Civ gear and F2P Siege Gear set ups
Evony- SVS glitch- a customer service story
Evony- Still no Surena Refund and account update
Evony- Are Elektra fragments too difficult and relics updated
Evony- Android users receive a Keep upgrade and SVS rewards upgraded
Evony- NEW civ Gear makes original Civ gear outdated ALREADY
Evony offering refunds on Surena and BK siege report analysis
Evony- UPDATE on debuff skill books and bktheterrible hits genghis 🤕
Evony- wonder 3 is now top 200
Evony- DEBUFF Skill Books & Gold producing subs
Evony-The BEST ground gear combinations
How EVONY separates you from your money Part 4 /4
Evony- Wall gear general combination
Evony- The Best Archer general Gear setups
Evony secretly nerfed civilization treasures
Evony makes gathering bots OP!
Evony is giving away everything EXCEPT the important stuff
Evony will lose money this event and coining strike update!
How EVONY separates you from your money Part 3 / 4
Evony gives competitive advantages to certain regions AGAIN!
Evony is punishing former coiners!
How EVONY separates you from your money Part 2/4
How EVONY separates you from your money Part 1/4
Evony- Assistant Generals to Kill High level Bosses
Evony- Now Available on PC????
Evony- Assistant Wall Gens
Evony hates North Americans (Surena nerfed / sailor moon)
Evony- Ast Generals to join Monsters is OP!!!
Evony- Ast. Generals have made gathering great again
NEF (68) vs APE (201), BOC
Evony- PVP Ast. Generals & How Evony secretly stole from players
Evony OVERWHELMs its customer base AGAIN
Evony- WTF is up with the scary new DELETE button
Evony- Nefarious alliance- Chalons live round 2, C1
Evony helps out its p4p players this event
Evony- optimizing your prestige
Evony- My Account update, + bonus SVS
Evony- nef vs cum (super alliance) / boc
Evony- the fix is in, cleopatras event is nerfed
Evony fake ad #3
Evony- Will evony screw us on the next two cakes?
Evony- is evony fighting the bots? And general tab update
Evony- did evony accidentally give low coiners an advantage in ascending generals?
Evony- svs epic war and top 10 will get wonder 1 wings
Evony- Civ gear 2 be Increased and App Gallery Discounts
Evony Sneakily ascends Baldwin to top subordinate city general and others
Bonus resource advice from commenters
Evony releases their biggest con job event ever
Evony gives us the wrong item and new siege gear
Evony has noticed a drop in spending
Evony-The biggest ripoff in all of evony (random super general mementos)
Evony- open wide for the astrolube wheel
Evony- Significantly reducing my coining
Evony- NEF (68) vs HMB (29)- BOC
Evony- Just how bad is the K40 pack Evony tries to sell you?
Evony- How to build efficiently (sort of)
Evony- new flame Cerberus boss and warning from evony
Evony- Did Evony copy the New monthly buffs from other games?
Evony- How to get Broaches in Revelry Carnival
Evony- Open your Server War Chests now!
Evony- We faced a super alliance (CUM) in Battlefield
Evony- UPDATE, 10* Generals, more Evony Greed!!!
Evony- 5.5b All Star Keep quits, blood bath ensues
Evony, VIP 20.999, C2, MAX MA3 Tech, 25+ Civ Gear- Account Available
Evony- disassemble your Civ Treasures on Alts.
Evony- Rostock Historic City is available, + Chalons Continents are released
Evony- A glitch is closed and Evony mocks us
Evony- Battle of Chalons Season 4 is coming!
Evony- New "HELL" Viking Levels and Consul Staff
Evony- Lysander General Review
Evony- The era of Super Alliances is beginning
Evony- Different servers have different Cakes, Wheel returns, New monarch Gear
Evony-NEF(68) vs SSD(46), Battle of Guagamela
Evony- New Spirit beast + NEW skill books
Evony- server merges are coming!
Evony, App Gallery May 17-June 17, 25% off
Evony mock advertisement 2
Evony- NEF (68) Vs SSD(46), Battle of Constinople
Evony- Sh!++ing your pants with STYLES (19.6B +19.6m reins, BUBBLES)
Evony- mock advertisement 1
Evony- Teleporting with STYLES, BOG- Nef(68/136) Vs KIS (63)
Evony-Hydras are the most efficient way to grow your Monarch other than $$$
Evony- Are T15 Troops are too difficult to obtain?
Evony- This event is TRASH
Evony- How do the new production refines work?
Evony- BOG RSP (SINGH) vs NEF (Genghis)
Evony- Where to obtain Source's of Life
Evony- NEW Production Refines for wall Generals
Evony- all about dwarfs lucky apples
Evony- Unlocking Wonder 1 will be top ten+ Bonus Arm Wrestling footage
Evony- a look at the next wheel
Evony,- 30% discounts return to App Gallery
Evony- BOG- The YOUTUBE Bowl / Genghis(NEF) vs The Miser (GOM)
Evony- New Event - Cleopatra's Treasure
Evony- The King's Return to the APP STORE! and NEW Monarch Gear
Evony- How Iphone Users can Protect their Account
Evony Has been removed from the APP STORE
Evony- The NEW Most important Gear in Evony (Koryo Bracers)
Evony - The All-Star Finals Preview that few care about
Evony- 2 Weeks into S 1043
Evony- C 1 & 2 All Star, Semi-Final Preview
Evony - C3 & 4 All-Star Semi Final Preview
Evony- c2,3,4 All-Star Preview and Predictions
Evony- C1 All-Stars Preview and Predictions
Evony- What NEW event is coming next?
Evony- How to find the best Value in the Auction
Evony- Auction House UPDATE
Evony- BOG / NEF vs D3D- Defense is making a comeback
Evony- Perfecting an account for Gathering and Joining Rallies
Evony- Developer Call Response
Evony- Strategize to win Civilization Gear on Tyches Wheel
Evony- What does it take to solo a b16
Evony- lucky tickets have changed once again
Evony- Double coupons are back and an Account update
Evony- A visit to S1043 to see if they got double coupons today
Evony- Designer Brand Duty Generals
Evony- Starting a new account on S1043
Evony- 23B SVS Siege Rally
Evony- increasing your odds to win historic cities
Evony- World Champions IFT vs NEF, Battle of Guagamala (March 30th, 2022)
Evony- developer call review (March 28,2022)
Evony- How to choose an Alliance
Evony- How to win the Violet Keep
Evony- Civilization Gear- Whole number refines are flawed
Evony- ELITE General Fragments now available in the Market (for new servers)
Evony- new gear, generals, keeps, and upcoming Developer Chat
Evony, General Review - Bertrand using LIENA.BE website
Evony- The new Dragons Skill shows Ground, or is it temporary??
Evony- All-Star preview, New Castle, Dragon, and bonus 30 day Castle PREVIEW
Evony- The Day after Chalons- Comments, Mean Emails, Hurt Feelings, apologies, thoughts,
Evony- FSY(S110) alliance RUINs BATTLE OF CHALONS by gifting points
Evony- New GEAR and a New Dragon???
Evony Chalons Finals Preview and Semi-final recap
Evony- How to watch Chalons Semi Finals tonight.
Evony- How to earn W3 (BOC RULES)
Evony- how far does 6800 tactic scrolls get you in the military academy?
Evony. Don't forget this with Tyche's Wheel!
Evony- The NEW Tyche's wheel of fortune!
Evony- how to choose your culture
Evony- How to skip the tutorial when starting a new game
Evony- Use Bluestacks to protect your account forever!
Evony- are there any good purple generals?
Evony-Ymir glitch allows you to see who is on your server in SVS
Evony, 30% OFF your Weekend Evony purchase with AppGallery!
Evony. Optimizing an account for RSS production
Evony- Preparing for Chalons
Evony-vs 4b -Account update
Evony- Silk Road rewards have been released
Evony- go over the alliance membership cap and bonus footage with sir Phillip
Evony - Live Q n A
Evony- Huns Invasion Preview and Free Plantagenet gear!
Evony - claim your first purchase rewards
Evony- tactic scrolls event, quality of life update
Evony- Boost your Growth with this website (LIENA.BE)
Evony. Subscriber Suggetion for Dawns Civlization (Troop Soul)
Evony. How to send more than 10 Waybills at once!
Evony- The top Archer Generals, spreadsheet
Evony.- How to save Monarch Gear Presets
Evony- Quality of life UPDATE
Evony- Battle of Chalons S3 preview
Evony- Lucky Tickets have been NERFED (100 stamina removed)
Evony- How to get massive DISCOUNTS from the AppGallery (15-50%!!!)
Evony- The top Mounted Generals for PVP
Evony- Mounted Monster Generals
Evony- leveling generals
Evony- All about Subordinate City Generals
Evony- Hydra rewards have Doubled!!
Evony- all about pansy eggs
Evony- The top 6 Wall Generals with Statistics
Evony- The top Siege generals in the game
Evony- Completing the Gathering event and Destructive Attack
Evony- The top 5 ground generals available (Updated)
Evony- How to complete Dawn of Civilization Event
Evony- Unlocking Civilization Treasure and Dragon Talent Priorities
Evony- Why you must buy these useless civilization pants...
Evony- YMIRs are back and they drop tactic scrolls! New Epic Generals in the Tavern!
Evony- Nians PREVIEW and capturing a sub during historic city event
Evony- 30+ FREE Civilization Treasures Daily!
Evony S68, WARZILLA drops bubble, nothing happens (Sub City Event)
Evony- SVS Wrap-up with REPORT ANALYSIS
Evony- Everything you need to know about skill books!
Evony- How to switch to an alternate account
Evony- Battle of Chalons Updated Prizes + Live Blooper!!!
Evony- We got Destroyed against the c3 all star champion
Evony- NEW!! Historic City ALEXANDRIA coming to all servers!!
Evony- How to win the monster kill event.
Evony- Unlocking the Triumphal Arch
Evony- MASSIVE!!!! 50% discounts for the event via APP Gallery
Evony - Player and fellow Youtuber Interview "Shinigami" S371
Evony- New territory expansion event
Evony- update for speed ups and possible upcoming releases
Evony - S68, The cold war is upon us...IVANs Story + bonus reports
Evony- Has Evony removed continents from battlefield rankings?
Evony- Crackdown on the bots?
Evony 10b keep rallied part 3- The Revenge
Evony- a look at Evony’s “elite” player survey
Evony-account update / progression
Evony- purchase packs and battlefield rewards have been increased!
Evony- collect your new shrine rewards
Evony - sneaky update (new prestige levels and other things)
Evony- battle mechanics follow up (input from zoom-rj and other reports)
Evony- How to acquire more Materials
Evony- Should you purchase the Christmas Super sale package
Evony- Have battle mechanics changed???
Evony - arctic barbarian event review (better off rallying)
Evony - The Aftermath (10b to 3.6b), battle reports
Evony- 10b player (s68) and Rostock historical city under 🔥!
Evony - Massive Savings via AppGallery!!!
Evony - The King's Return- Battlefield All-Stars Final Season 6, Continent 1 (Eagle Team)
Evony- Step aside Scipio. Elise is here! General review.
Evony- a look inside k38
Evony - Cerberus have been NERFED!!!
Evony- why it’s important to maximize your alliance tile science
Evony - nap policy vs bubble or burn
Evony - is William Marshall now the best wall general?
Evony - Is the Nordic barbarian king the best sub general?
Evony- general review gwangaeto the great
Evony- more customer service replies to banned accounts
Evony- Cultivating Generals above 500.
Evony - new barbarian event
Evony - suspended accounts are now permanently banned!!!
Evony - suspensions continue!!
Evony - “illegal resources” have been confiscated by evony
Evony - is there a loophole for sub city event during svs??? (Starring Orbs)
Evony - new general review thutmose III
Evony - Black Friday discounts
Evony- 5x double down coupons coming to select servers
Evony-why you must get to k36 (military academy)
Evony - a look at the new dragon talents (now showing dragon talents
Evony- extra bonus discounts (another 10% off purchases!
Evony - How to get Discounts off all your Evony purchases
Evony- speed up event UPDATE and thanksgiving event
Evony- new k40 civilization buffs
Evony - new Cerberus monster and upcoming gear sneak peak
Evony- monster kill day = best stamina purchase in all of evony
Evony- general review GNARR
Evony- k37 and bonus footage
Evony - NEW SECRETIVE super duty officers!!!
Evony - completing k36
Evony- a first look at k40 update
Evony- now you NEED to be an all-star!?
Evony- k40 resource requirements and new gathering tiles!
Evony - k40 release date November 4th, 2021!
Evony - live execution
Evony- don’t forget about the shopping spree
Evony - Plantagenet pants and boots preview
Evony- battle of chalons footage (medical tents have returned)
Evony- pumpkin event digitally remastered with sound🤭
Evony - general review Leo III (update, LEO can receive siege attack book)
Evony - general review Darius I
Evony - K40 is coming!!!
Evony- the top generals for monster attacking
Evony- Making Archer rallies
Evony - the svs relic trap
Evony- I now have the top general on my server! (6 million power!)
Evony- archer attack 1701!! Real or fake?
Evony - chalons round 1 analysis
Evony- battle of chalons tips and strategies
Evony- battle of chalons preview
War and Order - the zodiac system
Evony- all the ways to obtain GEMS💎 !!
War and order - lord skill achievements
Evony - first look at Plantagenet ring and bow
Evony - new general epaminondas
Evony- general review Himiko (needs to go)
War and order- goal setting / account update
Evony - all about the historic cities
Evony - what is the Arch of Triumph
Evony - how to gain stamina from the event wine cards / tickets
War and Order - the most important troops to build / early game
Evony - how to prepare for svs
Evony - The King's Return Question and Answer
War and Order - explore the ruins everyday!
War and Order - timed attacks instead of rallies
War and Order- how to purchase the correct packs
Evony - general review Gaius Octavius
War and Order - early game tutorial
Evony- new general review ashoka
Evony- update / more Plantagenet gear sneak peek
Evony - how to build an alt
Evony- sneak peak general combinations
War and Order - trying a new real time strategy game
Evony - how the holy palace works
Evony - introducing a free discord community
Evony - suleimen the (not so)magnificent general review
Evony- New technology update! Sept 13. ,2022
Evony- Relic UPDATE!
Evony - general Sherman review
Evony - the fragrance event review
Evony - sir phillips has motivated me to increase my sub city levels
Evony - account update sept 2nd 2021
Evony- beta server video debunking k40
Evony - more k40 evidence
Evony- Winfield Scott- General review
Evony - upcoming All Star changes!
Evony - how to read battle reports
Evony- the new Alexander the Great general review
Evony - sneak peak new battle reports
Evony- Does this mean k40 is coming?
Evony 4 day consuming event?? (Great news for those with rss)
Evony- wall general Shajar (be very careful)
Evony - Cyrus the (not so) great general review
Evony - Do Not neglect your sub city tech
Evony- how to build a gathering general (early game)
Evony - The King's Return and Battle of Chalons - 5th All-Star- PRIDE OF GOD - FINAL
Evony- new general Ramesses II analysis
Evony- Baldwin IV / Amir Ibn al As general review
Evony - The King's Return and Battle of Chalons - 5th All-Star- PRIDE OF GOD - Group A
Evony- the Plantagenet ring has been released!!!
Evony - Who is Sir Phillips??? (Evony’s Most Impressive Account?)
Evony - The King's Return and Battle of Chalons - 5th All-Star- PRIDE OF GOD - LION TEAM
Evony- sneak peak new skin (saint michael’s) updated with audio
Evony - theodoras general review
Evony - new general review Leonidas
Evony - general Dmitry analysis
Evony- all about march presets
Evony- website Updates
Evony - monarch event update!
Evony - my morning routine (fixed audio)
Evony- how to view the world map
Evony - Yue Fei, general fragment analysis
Evony- bonus stamina edition / consuming event
Evony- how to acquire more stamina
Evony - how to unlock all the ares gear
Evony sneak peak / new skin / new castle coming soon
Evony- layered march with lower level troops
Evony - archer general gear set up
Evony - ares set piece buff NERFED on (defense)
Evony - trying to help a friend with his account
Evony- scoring high in the undead event
Evony- how to gear up a mounted general
Evony- creating a ground general
Evony - NEW gear sneak preview!
Evony- building the new chalons hive
Evony - Kings Return, Battle of Chalons, Peak of Glory, Round 5, July 7th, 2021
Evony - chalons top 100 rewards and Final rankings, 2021
Evony- Even more new svs rewards!
Evony - svs rewards are changing
Evony - how to use monarch gear
Evony - Kings Return, Battle of Chalons, Peak of Glory, Round 5, July 7th, 2021
Evony - How to refine your dragons
Evony - a list of all the specific duty officers in the game
Evony- defensive layering
Evony - how to deal with rogue players
Evony - intimidating your opponents with power
Evony - what gear should you put on your sub city generals
Evony - battle of chalons- strategies to get your alliance more rewards
Evony- why you should layer traps for defence
Evony- how to see your boc opponent early / chalons glitch
Evony - the best wall generals (not available in tavern)
Evony - how to store extra food for those large builds
Evony- how to use debuff generals against bosses
Evony- how to set up your siege general
Evony- archer pvp skill books hp 25% versus march size 12%
Evony- the top free wall generals available in the tavern
Evony- Plantagenet ring update
Evony- who are the top 3 ground generals?
Evony- the top seige generals
Evony- account update series
Evony- how to refine / extremely lucky refining session
Evony- how to zoom out and have a wider world view
Evony- how to find bosses
Evony- battle of chalons review
Evony - Plantagenet ring and event
Evony - battle of chalons preview / strategy guide
Evony - how to choose your monarch talents
Evony- how to check your prestige
Evony- how to counter the svs turtle slow march
Evony - monarch gear patrolling continued
Evony - DEBUFF Calculator Website
Evony - DEBUFF and RESOURCE Calculator Website
Evony - new general (Tomyrus) rally hall glitch
Evony- how to heal your troops faster
Evony- monarch gear and patrolling
Evony- Battle of Chalons preview
Evony - The King's Return - Battlefield All Stars- Pride of God
Evony - The King's Return - Battlefield All Stars- Peak of Glory, Group B
Evony - how to assign special duty officers
Evony - The King's Return - Battlefield All Stars, Peak of Glory Group D
Evony- new update / trick
Evony - a basic idea of how to cultivate and choose skill books
Evony- free gems and speedups! (Cheds monthly tip)
Evony- training new players for pvp
Evony - gathering teleport event FAIL / Blooper!
Evony -wall general refines
Evony- booting and looting
Evony- unlocking the king of generals
Evony - ultimate war chests
Evony- The aftermath (3b city rally in svs)
Evony- the most important decision you will have to make
Evony- is this the largest svs rally ever? 3m enemy one tapped.
Evony- why you should join rallies with archers (rally starter uses mounted troops)
Evony- receiving free teleports (gathering event)
Evony- upcoming jester event
Evony- the most exciting day in evony / first day of consuming event
Evony- the misunderstood troop speed skill books
Evony- the most boring day of the Month!
Evony - checking in on goals / account update
Evony - post svs chaos
Evony- upgrading experience on your generals
Evony- Correcting past refining mistakes when upgrading to ARES gear.
Evony- contacting players on other servers part 2
Evony- rally etiquette, how to set rallies and prioritize bosses
Evony- what’s inside those b12/13/14/15 chests?
Evony- turtle event chests
Evony- layering the 25,25,35 philosophy
Evony - server merger series / “war” action
Evony- ghosting for pvp
Evony- Huns invasion nightmare level and new intro!
Evony - Huns invasion hell level.
Evony - Huns invasion - claiming rewards and battlefield shop
Evony- Huns invasion normal level
Evony- huns invasion - new game update
Evony- after svs, make sure to visit the temples for your free chests (every 6 hours)
Evony - how to scout your enemies to check their seige attack range
Evony- increasing your in city production -user request from the hound
Evony- The most important PVP gear in the game, TAKE 2
Evony- the most important pvp gear in the game
Evony - how to complete the consuming event
Server merge day 5- alliance locations and upcoming svs
Evony- do not refine your dragons gear
Evony- how to contact players on other servers
Evony server merge day 3. Massive alliance merger
Evony new server merge day 2
Evony-First day of a server merge
Evony- how to prepare for a server merge. What happens.
Evony- unlocking the wonder 1,2
Evony - finishing top five in svs
Evony - svs chasing top 5
Evony- how to prepare for battlefield
Evony vikings part 2
Evony- how to run vikings efficiently
Evony - how do defense and hp work
Evony - cheds special duty officer trick
Evony- Forge 33 and Kings Wings
Evony- Throne on a non svs week
Evony- Unlocking archer 14 and adding 50m power.
Evony- What’s it like to be king
Evony- conquering your servers throne during svs
Evony- The only 5 archer generals that matter!
Evony- Spiritual beasts
Evony- Prestige increasing strategies
Evony- Goal setting. Short medium and long term goals.
Evony- how to switch accounts
Evony- Advanced Gathering- analysis
Evony- Rhunestones- turning gold into rhunestones
Evony- Channel intro
Evony- A little known way to collect rhunestones
Evony- Introduction to the channel